Hallowtide is comprised of three days: All Hallows Eve, Feast of All Saints and Commemoration of All Souls. While many are busy getting their costumes, candy and face masks ready (thanks, COVID), our family celebrates in a much different way.
Our decision to celebrate Halloween is mostly because Halloween is a “holy mockery of the devil” and as St. Thomas More said, “the proud spirit cannot endure to be mocked.” Halloween
All Saints Day
Since All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, we go to Mass! Afterwards, I will dress up my children in their favorite Saints Costumes, mostly all handmade and we will enjoy left over cookies and pray the Litany of the Saints.
Our All Saints Day party décor is thanks to some beautiful Saint Trading Cards from Catholic Paper Goods which I clipped to a string for our banner! The cards are instant downloadable, high resolution PDF files set up with 2 folding cards on each page. They feature full color saint illustrations on the front and birth/death dates, locations, symbols, patronages and quotes and/or biographical information about each saint on the back. An added bonus is getting PDFs of coloring pages for all the saints in each set! Plus, now through November 3, all trading card and flash card sets are 25% off. Visit: catholicpapergoods.com "All you Holy men and women (and babies!), pray for us!" One qualm I have with those who say that Catholics “worship” or “idolize” saints is that they don’t realize that we love the saints as if they were our family members and we ask for their help from time to time. You don’t “worship” your sweet Uncle Joe who passed away a few years ago, you just love and miss him and hope that he is in Heaven watching over you and your family members. All Souls Day
We will drive to a local cemetery and pray the Holy Rosary for the souls in the cemetery, along with our family members and friends who have passed away. Since my children are still very young and the littlest one is a flight risk, we will stay in the car.
The History of Halloween
Halloween comes from the phrase “All Hallows Eve.” Hallows means Holy or Saints and “All Hallows Eve” or “Hallowe’en” is really just the night before a very important Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church: All Saints Day!
In 609 AD, Pope Boniface IV established All Saints Day on May 13th and then in the mid-eighth century, Pope Gregory III moved All Saints Day to November 1st. All Saints Day is a day which is dedicated to the saints of the Roman Catholic Church, which includes everyone in heaven. The day after All Saints Day is All Souls Day. All Souls Day is dedicated to those souls who have died and not yet gone to heaven and is annually observed on November 2nd. Let us remember Our Lady of Fátima told the three children that “there were many souls in purgatory that had no one to pray for them.” To me, not being able to reach heaven after my life on Earth is finished is scarier than any Haunted House in the entire world. How We Don’t Celebrate Halloween:
While I will not let my children watch Hocus Pocus, ever, I am wondering if the film has lost its touch for me. Even though the spells the witches say are not real, several times during the movie, I felt myself praying the Hail Mary. I also found too many parallels to society today to “just enjoy the movie.” For instance, when the children find their parents at the Halloween party and try to warn them about the witches return, the witches “put a spell” on all the partygoers. |
This seems a lot like society today in which some parents are under various secular spells, whether they are being entranced on their cell phones, tablets, computers or televisions and the children grow up before their blue light ridden eyes.
Or how the Sanderson sisters main objective is to be young and live forever. Too often, are people focused on looking more youthful and altering their bodies instead of accepting the natural process of aging. While we are at it, there is an Irish proverb which states, “getting older is a privilege denied to many.”
Lastly, the overall desire of the witches to “suck the lives out of children” is fresh as child trafficking, child pornography, while always a dire problem, has been in the news (not the fake news 😉) quite a bit this year.
Or how the Sanderson sisters main objective is to be young and live forever. Too often, are people focused on looking more youthful and altering their bodies instead of accepting the natural process of aging. While we are at it, there is an Irish proverb which states, “getting older is a privilege denied to many.”
Lastly, the overall desire of the witches to “suck the lives out of children” is fresh as child trafficking, child pornography, while always a dire problem, has been in the news (not the fake news 😉) quite a bit this year.
There is one part in the movie, however, where Catholicism triumphs, although not explicitly stated. It is when the children and Zachary Binx (the talking cat) run to the cemetery. The cat (who was once a human but doomed by the witches to be a cat for the rest of his life, after they sucked the soul out of his sister and killed her in the beginning of the movie) tells the children that the witches can’t go into the cemetery because it is “Hallowed ground.”
Who makes the ground “Hallowed” or Holy? Catholic Priests, by the power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when they bury the dead.
Whether or not Hocus Pocus will be on my future agenda for the Fall season is up for debate. Is the film one of your nostalgic Fall favorites? Please, share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading and May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
Who makes the ground “Hallowed” or Holy? Catholic Priests, by the power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when they bury the dead.
Whether or not Hocus Pocus will be on my future agenda for the Fall season is up for debate. Is the film one of your nostalgic Fall favorites? Please, share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading and May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
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