Hallowtide is comprised of three days: All Hallows Eve, Feast of All Saints and Commemoration of All Souls. While many are busy getting their costumes, candy and face masks ready (thanks, COVID), our family celebrates in a much different way.
Our decision to celebrate Halloween is mostly because Halloween is a “holy mockery of the devil” and as St. Thomas More said, “the proud spirit cannot endure to be mocked.” Halloween
All Saints Day
Since All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, we go to Mass! Afterwards, I will dress up my children in their favorite Saints Costumes, mostly all handmade and we will enjoy left over cookies and pray the Litany of the Saints.
Our All Saints Day party décor is thanks to some beautiful Saint Trading Cards from Catholic Paper Goods which I clipped to a string for our banner! The cards are instant downloadable, high resolution PDF files set up with 2 folding cards on each page. They feature full color saint illustrations on the front and birth/death dates, locations, symbols, patronages and quotes and/or biographical information about each saint on the back. An added bonus is getting PDFs of coloring pages for all the saints in each set! Plus, now through November 3, all trading card and flash card sets are 25% off. Visit: catholicpapergoods.com "All you Holy men and women (and babies!), pray for us!" One qualm I have with those who say that Catholics “worship” or “idolize” saints is that they don’t realize that we love the saints as if they were our family members and we ask for their help from time to time. You don’t “worship” your sweet Uncle Joe who passed away a few years ago, you just love and miss him and hope that he is in Heaven watching over you and your family members. All Souls Day
We will drive to a local cemetery and pray the Holy Rosary for the souls in the cemetery, along with our family members and friends who have passed away. Since my children are still very young and the littlest one is a flight risk, we will stay in the car.
The History of Halloween
Halloween comes from the phrase “All Hallows Eve.” Hallows means Holy or Saints and “All Hallows Eve” or “Hallowe’en” is really just the night before a very important Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church: All Saints Day!
In 609 AD, Pope Boniface IV established All Saints Day on May 13th and then in the mid-eighth century, Pope Gregory III moved All Saints Day to November 1st. All Saints Day is a day which is dedicated to the saints of the Roman Catholic Church, which includes everyone in heaven. The day after All Saints Day is All Souls Day. All Souls Day is dedicated to those souls who have died and not yet gone to heaven and is annually observed on November 2nd. Let us remember Our Lady of Fátima told the three children that “there were many souls in purgatory that had no one to pray for them.” To me, not being able to reach heaven after my life on Earth is finished is scarier than any Haunted House in the entire world. How We Don’t Celebrate Halloween:
While I will not let my children watch Hocus Pocus, ever, I am wondering if the film has lost its touch for me. Even though the spells the witches say are not real, several times during the movie, I felt myself praying the Hail Mary. I also found too many parallels to society today to “just enjoy the movie.” For instance, when the children find their parents at the Halloween party and try to warn them about the witches return, the witches “put a spell” on all the partygoers. |
This seems a lot like society today in which some parents are under various secular spells, whether they are being entranced on their cell phones, tablets, computers or televisions and the children grow up before their blue light ridden eyes.
Or how the Sanderson sisters main objective is to be young and live forever. Too often, are people focused on looking more youthful and altering their bodies instead of accepting the natural process of aging. While we are at it, there is an Irish proverb which states, “getting older is a privilege denied to many.”
Lastly, the overall desire of the witches to “suck the lives out of children” is fresh as child trafficking, child pornography, while always a dire problem, has been in the news (not the fake news 😉) quite a bit this year.
Or how the Sanderson sisters main objective is to be young and live forever. Too often, are people focused on looking more youthful and altering their bodies instead of accepting the natural process of aging. While we are at it, there is an Irish proverb which states, “getting older is a privilege denied to many.”
Lastly, the overall desire of the witches to “suck the lives out of children” is fresh as child trafficking, child pornography, while always a dire problem, has been in the news (not the fake news 😉) quite a bit this year.
There is one part in the movie, however, where Catholicism triumphs, although not explicitly stated. It is when the children and Zachary Binx (the talking cat) run to the cemetery. The cat (who was once a human but doomed by the witches to be a cat for the rest of his life, after they sucked the soul out of his sister and killed her in the beginning of the movie) tells the children that the witches can’t go into the cemetery because it is “Hallowed ground.”
Who makes the ground “Hallowed” or Holy? Catholic Priests, by the power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when they bury the dead.
Whether or not Hocus Pocus will be on my future agenda for the Fall season is up for debate. Is the film one of your nostalgic Fall favorites? Please, share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading and May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
Who makes the ground “Hallowed” or Holy? Catholic Priests, by the power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, when they bury the dead.
Whether or not Hocus Pocus will be on my future agenda for the Fall season is up for debate. Is the film one of your nostalgic Fall favorites? Please, share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading and May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
I have never been able to stick to my Lenten promise. Literally, never. I have always "given in" and broke my promise. For years I stopped trying. I stopped giving up chocolate or ice cream or candy or social media or television. I just stopped trying.
This year, even though I am still nursing our almost one-year old daughter and technically could talk myself into thinking that I don't have to make a Lenten promise, I have. This year, so far so good. I have not faltered yet.
You're probably thinking "big deal, Ash Wednesday was just last week." But for me, I would have already broken my promise probably a day or two into Lent.
This year I am trying hard.
It isn't easy and in fact, I am tempted constantly.
I gave up chips, popcorn and sweets. Go big or go home, right?
I love salty snacks and white cheddar popcorn is my favorite. I eat a cup each day and really, really look forward to it. So, I figured giving up chips, popcorn and all sweets would be difficult but if I give them all up then maybe it would be easier.
Everything has gone great until I was checking out at the market this weekend.
This year, even though I am still nursing our almost one-year old daughter and technically could talk myself into thinking that I don't have to make a Lenten promise, I have. This year, so far so good. I have not faltered yet.
You're probably thinking "big deal, Ash Wednesday was just last week." But for me, I would have already broken my promise probably a day or two into Lent.
This year I am trying hard.
It isn't easy and in fact, I am tempted constantly.
I gave up chips, popcorn and sweets. Go big or go home, right?
I love salty snacks and white cheddar popcorn is my favorite. I eat a cup each day and really, really look forward to it. So, I figured giving up chips, popcorn and all sweets would be difficult but if I give them all up then maybe it would be easier.
Everything has gone great until I was checking out at the market this weekend.
An associate walked right up to me and said "Would you like two bags of FREE popcorn?" I stared at her like she was possessed. Two bags of popcorn, you ask. Why yes, yes I would LOVE two bags of popcorn. I looked at the bags, WHITE CHEDDAR POPCORN! ORGANIC!
“Get away, Satan!" (MT 4:10) I yelled!
LOL, just kidding. (Wouldn't it have been great if I did?)
Instead I said yes, please and took the bags, paid for my other groceries and left.
My husband said that I should have just not taken them, but he does not have said addiction to white cheddar popcorn and doesn't realize that the bags do not expire until September, 2020, which will give me PLENTY of time to consume them.
Speaking of my wonderful, handsome husband. He gave up all sweets this year, as his sweet addiction is like my salty snack addiction.
At my husband’s place of employment on the first Friday of Lent, a co-worker brought in FOUR boxes of donuts. And not just any donuts, my husband’s FAVORITE donuts.
My husband refused his temptation and I still have to ask him if he yelled “Get away, Satan!" at anyone or at least thought to.
“Get away, Satan!" (MT 4:10) I yelled!
LOL, just kidding. (Wouldn't it have been great if I did?)
Instead I said yes, please and took the bags, paid for my other groceries and left.
My husband said that I should have just not taken them, but he does not have said addiction to white cheddar popcorn and doesn't realize that the bags do not expire until September, 2020, which will give me PLENTY of time to consume them.
Speaking of my wonderful, handsome husband. He gave up all sweets this year, as his sweet addiction is like my salty snack addiction.
At my husband’s place of employment on the first Friday of Lent, a co-worker brought in FOUR boxes of donuts. And not just any donuts, my husband’s FAVORITE donuts.
My husband refused his temptation and I still have to ask him if he yelled “Get away, Satan!" at anyone or at least thought to.
This post is not just a humble brag but intends to be a witness that even people like me, who fail miserably at their Lenten promises, should dust off and try again.
Jesus gives us new chances and new beginnings. He loves us. He doesn't want us to give up something to draw us away from Him. He wants us to be united with Him.
Reading the Gospel from yesterday, the first Sunday of Lent, when Jesus is led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil (MT 4:1-11) made me realize that my temptations may seem trivial. But to Jesus, they are important and will help make me Holy.
What Lenten promise did you make? How are you sticking to them? Share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading. God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!
Jesus gives us new chances and new beginnings. He loves us. He doesn't want us to give up something to draw us away from Him. He wants us to be united with Him.
Reading the Gospel from yesterday, the first Sunday of Lent, when Jesus is led into the desert by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil (MT 4:1-11) made me realize that my temptations may seem trivial. But to Jesus, they are important and will help make me Holy.
What Lenten promise did you make? How are you sticking to them? Share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading. God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!
Advent is a sacred time in which we await the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. While the secular world around me seems to be in full-swing Christmas celebrations, I, among other Catholics, am trying to focus on the birth of Christ, which is still weeks away, and to instead prepare myself and my home for His birth.
Sometimes I get sidetracked. Thinking of the menus for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and if we should have a 12th Night Party; getting our home ready to be decorated; celebrating the many feast days of December; and shopping for loved ones. It can be challenging to remain in the season of Advent when our day-to-day to-do lists are already overflowing and adding all of the "get ready of Christmas" tasks can make things even more stressful and time consuming. For some of us, Christmas shopping can get in the way of truly enjoying the calm that the Advent season should bring us as we wait to celebrate Jesus Christ being born.
Sometimes I get sidetracked. Thinking of the menus for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and if we should have a 12th Night Party; getting our home ready to be decorated; celebrating the many feast days of December; and shopping for loved ones. It can be challenging to remain in the season of Advent when our day-to-day to-do lists are already overflowing and adding all of the "get ready of Christmas" tasks can make things even more stressful and time consuming. For some of us, Christmas shopping can get in the way of truly enjoying the calm that the Advent season should bring us as we wait to celebrate Jesus Christ being born.
This year, I made it a point to shop with Christ as my focus, and when possible, to support Catholic companies or individuals. While our budget for Christmas presents is not large, I always seek to find meaningful gifts for those whom I love. The following are some of my favorite gifts this year and some great gifts I found while shopping that I wouldn't mind unwrapping on Christmas morning. The best part is that you can shop for all of these online! (Some gifts below contain affiliate links. Read more below.)
(Warning: family members and/or friends, do not read this list! Especially, you, husband!)
(Warning: family members and/or friends, do not read this list! Especially, you, husband!)
Silicone Rosary: https://chewslife.com
Book: "God Made Wonderful Me" by Genny Monchamp https://amzn.to/2LGHfQV
Book: "My See and Pray Missal" to help children understand the Traditional Latin Mass.
Wee Believers My Pop-Out 14 Piece Children's Mass Activity Set: https://amzn.to/36oneXf
61 Minutes to a Miracle: Fulton Sheen and a True Story of the Impossible Paperback by Bonnie L Engstrom
Roman Catholic Daily Missal by Angelus Press: https://amzn.to/2t7sLmR
Bracelets and Scarf from Trades of Hope: mytradesofhope.com/jennaaoyama
Coffee from The Benedictine Monks of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery: abbeyroast.com
Rosewood Lip Trio from Beautycounter: beautycounter.com
Be Not Afraid Engraved Keychain from Just Love Prints:justloveprints.com
(In Saint John Paul II's handwriting!)
(In Saint John Paul II's handwriting!)
What are some of your favorite gifts for Christmas this year? Either to give or to recevie? Please share with us on Facebook.com/CatholicMomRI. Have a blessed Advent and may God bless you.
Catholic Mom Rhode Island is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If you click though to Amazon from a link on this blog and make a purchase, I will receive a commission from Amazon.
The Feast Day of St. Nicholas is one of our favorite days to celebrate as a family! While we don't decorate much for Christmas during the season of Advent, St. Nicholas Day is a great "teaser" of what will come at Christmas which is only a few weeks away!
How We Celebrate
In the days and weeks leading up to St. Nicholas Day, I make sure that our festivities will be simple enough to continue to remain in spirit of Advent yet fun and educational enough that it will (hopefully) leave a lasting impression on our son. Here are some ways to celebrate the original Santa Claus: Saint Nicholas!
1. Book about St. Nicholas
We LOVE this book about Saint Nicholas by Ann Tompert. While we usually borrow it from the library, our son loves it so much that I bought it as one of his Christmas presents for this year! Click here to get your copy!
In the days and weeks leading up to St. Nicholas Day, I make sure that our festivities will be simple enough to continue to remain in spirit of Advent yet fun and educational enough that it will (hopefully) leave a lasting impression on our son. Here are some ways to celebrate the original Santa Claus: Saint Nicholas!
1. Book about St. Nicholas
We LOVE this book about Saint Nicholas by Ann Tompert. While we usually borrow it from the library, our son loves it so much that I bought it as one of his Christmas presents for this year! Click here to get your copy!
2. Leaving Out Shoes
My son can smell chocolate a mile away! I have to hide his chocolate coins really well in our house. Trader Joe's has yummy chocolate coins but if you're in a pinch, you can grab some from Amazon as well. We leave his chocolate coins and other treats like candy canes, oranges and trail mix in his shoes the night before! While we do tell him that mommy and daddy fill his shoes with the treats, he knows that it is because it is St. Nicholas day!
This year, I found this amazing and FREE printable on Instagram. Shower of Roses to make your chocolate coins more festive! Click here to get your free printable and make sure you check her out on Instagram, too!
My son can smell chocolate a mile away! I have to hide his chocolate coins really well in our house. Trader Joe's has yummy chocolate coins but if you're in a pinch, you can grab some from Amazon as well. We leave his chocolate coins and other treats like candy canes, oranges and trail mix in his shoes the night before! While we do tell him that mommy and daddy fill his shoes with the treats, he knows that it is because it is St. Nicholas day!
This year, I found this amazing and FREE printable on Instagram. Shower of Roses to make your chocolate coins more festive! Click here to get your free printable and make sure you check her out on Instagram, too!
3. Mass
This is the most important part of our yearly tradition! We try extra hard to get to daily Mass on the Feast of Saint Nicholas. If for some reason we can't make it, I read the daily readings to our son (who usually runs around or plays while I do so) and make sure to spend some extra time in reflective prayer during the day.
This is the most important part of our yearly tradition! We try extra hard to get to daily Mass on the Feast of Saint Nicholas. If for some reason we can't make it, I read the daily readings to our son (who usually runs around or plays while I do so) and make sure to spend some extra time in reflective prayer during the day.
St. Nicholas (Jaroslav Čermák (1831 - 1878) - Sv. Mikuláš, Galerie Art Praha)
4. St. Nick Cookies!
My son and I will take any excuse to bake a delicious dessert! While I am not the best baker, my son and I love to bake together and our entire family loves to eat what we bake! I got this awesome Saint Nicholas cookie cutter online (okay, it's Santa!) We use this recipe for ‘Super Soft Sugar Cookies’ by Six Sisters’ Stuff. Easy to follow and delicious! |
5. Coloring Pages
St. Nicholas Center's website offers some awesome and free pictures to download and print. They are many to choose from! The website has a plethora of information, stories, activities and other fun and educational tools for the entire family to enjoy. If you don't have time to get to the library to read an actual book about Saint Nicholas, the center put together this great story of "Who is Saint Nicholas." |
Fun and Fast Facts About St. Nicholas:
-Saint Nicholas was born during the third century in a small village called Patara which is now a city in southern Turkey. -Nicholas was the only son of two wealthy, Christian parents but they passed away when he was young. -Nicholas learned much of his pious, generous ways from his devout parents and after they passed away, he gave away his inherited fortune in gifts to orphan children and others in need. -His uncle, a Bishop, raised him after his parents passed and continued to guide Nicholas on a Christian path. -By the time he was 19, Nicholas was ordained a priest and then eventually became Bishop of Myra. -Due to his young age when he became Bishop, Saint Nicholas was called the “Boy Bishop.” -Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of sailors, merchants, children, students and more! -There are many legends attributed to this great Saint. To read more, please visit the Saint Nicholas Center’s website, here. |
CatholicMomRI is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. If you click though to Amazon from a link on this blog and make a purchase, we will receive a commission from Amazon.
How are you celebrating Saint Nicholas’s Feast Day? Please share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading. God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always!
Food shopping. The bane of my existence. Well, not exactly the bane, but close.
Now that I have two children, it is more difficult for me to get out of the house and shop for food.
I regularly remind myself how absolutely blessed my family is to be able to have the resources of clean, healthy and delicious food and that so many go hungry each day. Which is why organizations like St. Vincent de Paul Society (and countless others), which aid families in meeting basic needs, are so very important and need our support to continue to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Also, Saint Gianna Molla said: "One earns paradise with one's daily task.”
Despite knowing my blessings and Saint Gianna’s advice, food shopping still continues to be something I don’t look forward to.
It wasn’t always like this. I used to enjoy food shopping with my son. We would go weekly, usually during the weekday while it was not that busy. We’d take our time, he would count the apples as he dropped them into the bag, get excited about picking out his favorite yogurt flavor (ah, to be a child again!) and when I was pregnant, I would show him the fruit or vegetable size that his baby sister was that particular week.
Now that said baby sister is here, food shopping has become much more difficult. Gone are the days where we can leisurely stroll through the market. Now while he drops an unknown number of apples in the bag, I am rocking baby sister in the baby carrier while frantically trying not to drop the shopping list for the twelfth time.
While as with other chapters in life, I know this is temporary and these precious, while frantic, moments are fleeting. One day there will be no little people with me food shopping and I will look back on these days and miss them. Hopefully, our children will look back on these days and remember the everyday moments with as much love and admiration as we do.
I have five tips to help make food shopping less stressful. While most of these tips seem like no-brainers, when combined, they really make the weekly task less of a burden, especially the fact that I have recently discovered I can make money while food shopping!
Now that I have two children, it is more difficult for me to get out of the house and shop for food.
I regularly remind myself how absolutely blessed my family is to be able to have the resources of clean, healthy and delicious food and that so many go hungry each day. Which is why organizations like St. Vincent de Paul Society (and countless others), which aid families in meeting basic needs, are so very important and need our support to continue to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Also, Saint Gianna Molla said: "One earns paradise with one's daily task.”
Despite knowing my blessings and Saint Gianna’s advice, food shopping still continues to be something I don’t look forward to.
It wasn’t always like this. I used to enjoy food shopping with my son. We would go weekly, usually during the weekday while it was not that busy. We’d take our time, he would count the apples as he dropped them into the bag, get excited about picking out his favorite yogurt flavor (ah, to be a child again!) and when I was pregnant, I would show him the fruit or vegetable size that his baby sister was that particular week.
Now that said baby sister is here, food shopping has become much more difficult. Gone are the days where we can leisurely stroll through the market. Now while he drops an unknown number of apples in the bag, I am rocking baby sister in the baby carrier while frantically trying not to drop the shopping list for the twelfth time.
While as with other chapters in life, I know this is temporary and these precious, while frantic, moments are fleeting. One day there will be no little people with me food shopping and I will look back on these days and miss them. Hopefully, our children will look back on these days and remember the everyday moments with as much love and admiration as we do.
I have five tips to help make food shopping less stressful. While most of these tips seem like no-brainers, when combined, they really make the weekly task less of a burden, especially the fact that I have recently discovered I can make money while food shopping!

Before I list these tips, I’d like to note that I did not include the blessing which is Curbside Pickup for groceries. Two reasons: the first being that I never tried it and can’t give an honest, first-hand opinion; the second reason is that my son enjoys going food shopping, so we go. Perhaps I will try the pickup one day. For now, here are my tips to make food shopping less stressful:
1. Eat before you go.
No, seriously. Eat something at home. Do not go food shopping hungry. More importantly, do not let your children go food shopping hungry. Everyone eats ahead of time.
2. Menu and shopping list.
We eat one of three things for breakfast every day, so breakfast is easy. For lunch we usually have leftovers from the night before or turkey/cheese rollups or tuna on Fridays. For dinner, we have three nights out of seven where we eat meat and then the rest of the nights are meatless, with one night where we order take-out. After planning the menu, I write down exactly everything that I will need and I try to make my grocery list in order of the market. I start at produce and end at the frozen foods. So, group produce together, deli, meat, middle aisles, dairy, etc.…
3. Coupon if you must but Fetch rewards is MUCH better!
I like to make money while spending money. I love using Fetch rewards. I just upload my receipt and it gives me money on items that I’ve earned. Sometimes, I get money just for uploading my receipt. It’s free and it is easy to use. It's a free app that turns grocery receipts into rewards. Just scan any grocery receipt, and earn points towards awesome rewards. You'll earn at least 1% on all listed brands and products, and gain access to exclusive offers that earn you even more points. Just scan your grocery receipt, and get rewarded.
Use my referral code, VCYAK, during signup to get extra points just for signing up!
Download Fetch Rewards free here: https://bit.ly/2zwOdBK
4. Bag frozen with perishable.
I try to bag or ask the person helping to bag the perishable items with the frozen items. While we live relatively close to the market, things have happened (like my car getting stuck on the side of the road due to a faulty coil) and you don’t want your food to go bad.
5. Make putting food away a game.
Since my son was a much smaller boy, I have made putting the food away a game. I will give him some non-breakable items to put away and then tell him to see how fast he can do it. Usually it is just things like pasta, bread, boxes and cans, but he enjoys it. Any time I can give my children extra positive reinforcement for following directions and while ACTUALLY helping me is a win-win in my book!
Do you have any tips you can share? Please share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading. God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
1. Eat before you go.
No, seriously. Eat something at home. Do not go food shopping hungry. More importantly, do not let your children go food shopping hungry. Everyone eats ahead of time.
2. Menu and shopping list.
We eat one of three things for breakfast every day, so breakfast is easy. For lunch we usually have leftovers from the night before or turkey/cheese rollups or tuna on Fridays. For dinner, we have three nights out of seven where we eat meat and then the rest of the nights are meatless, with one night where we order take-out. After planning the menu, I write down exactly everything that I will need and I try to make my grocery list in order of the market. I start at produce and end at the frozen foods. So, group produce together, deli, meat, middle aisles, dairy, etc.…
3. Coupon if you must but Fetch rewards is MUCH better!
I like to make money while spending money. I love using Fetch rewards. I just upload my receipt and it gives me money on items that I’ve earned. Sometimes, I get money just for uploading my receipt. It’s free and it is easy to use. It's a free app that turns grocery receipts into rewards. Just scan any grocery receipt, and earn points towards awesome rewards. You'll earn at least 1% on all listed brands and products, and gain access to exclusive offers that earn you even more points. Just scan your grocery receipt, and get rewarded.
Use my referral code, VCYAK, during signup to get extra points just for signing up!
Download Fetch Rewards free here: https://bit.ly/2zwOdBK
4. Bag frozen with perishable.
I try to bag or ask the person helping to bag the perishable items with the frozen items. While we live relatively close to the market, things have happened (like my car getting stuck on the side of the road due to a faulty coil) and you don’t want your food to go bad.
5. Make putting food away a game.
Since my son was a much smaller boy, I have made putting the food away a game. I will give him some non-breakable items to put away and then tell him to see how fast he can do it. Usually it is just things like pasta, bread, boxes and cans, but he enjoys it. Any time I can give my children extra positive reinforcement for following directions and while ACTUALLY helping me is a win-win in my book!
Do you have any tips you can share? Please share with us on Facebook!
As always, thank you for reading. God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you always.
"Am I doing enough" is a question I have asked myself on too many occasions to count. When it comes to being a mother, the question is applied to things like "Am I reading to my children enough? Are they getting enough nutrients? Enough sleep? Enough love? Enough compassion? Enough of Christ?" There are many areas I am lacking and need to double down on. I am certain that if all parents took some time to think about it, they could come up with areas which they need improvement as well.
Today, "am I doing enough?" hit me like a ton of bricks when I was contemplating Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12, 14. My focus kept centering on the last verse: "it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost." (MT 18:14) Now, the question "Am I doing enough" becomes more serious. Are my actions, words and deeds enough? Am I a positive witness for Christ? Am I leading my children on a path to holiness? Or am I leading them to be lost?
For example, when I am driving in the car with my children and I say something uncharitable about someone who cuts me off on the road or if I decide to forgo a prayer before a meal at a restaurant because we don't want to stand out or look "odd," or if I decide to partake in some "harmless" gossip in front of my children, or if I decide to miss Mass here or there because there are other "more pressing" matters to take care of.
Before you shrug your shoulders and reassure yourself that these things and similar instances are not a big deal, stop. Heed the warning of the children of Our Lady of Fatima. Hell is real.
At the request of the Bishop of Leiria, Lucia described the vision this way:
Today, "am I doing enough?" hit me like a ton of bricks when I was contemplating Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12, 14. My focus kept centering on the last verse: "it is not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost." (MT 18:14) Now, the question "Am I doing enough" becomes more serious. Are my actions, words and deeds enough? Am I a positive witness for Christ? Am I leading my children on a path to holiness? Or am I leading them to be lost?
For example, when I am driving in the car with my children and I say something uncharitable about someone who cuts me off on the road or if I decide to forgo a prayer before a meal at a restaurant because we don't want to stand out or look "odd," or if I decide to partake in some "harmless" gossip in front of my children, or if I decide to miss Mass here or there because there are other "more pressing" matters to take care of.
Before you shrug your shoulders and reassure yourself that these things and similar instances are not a big deal, stop. Heed the warning of the children of Our Lady of Fatima. Hell is real.
At the request of the Bishop of Leiria, Lucia described the vision this way:
“As Our Lady spoke these last words, she opened her hands once more, as she had done during the two previous months. The rays of light seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw as it were a sea of fire. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke now falling back on every side like sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. (It must have been this sight which caused me to cry out, as people say they heard me).
The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. Terrified and as if to plead for succour, we looked up at Our Lady, who said to us, so kindly and so sadly: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace."
The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repellent likeness to frightful and unknown animals, black and transparent like burning coals. Terrified and as if to plead for succour, we looked up at Our Lady, who said to us, so kindly and so sadly: You have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace."
Now stop and really think about whether you are doing enough, if you could be doing more.
Enough and then more is what will shield our children from the onslaught of the evil one who prowls around the world seeking souls; the souls of our children. The father of lives does not rest and we shouldn't either.
I take and offer Pope Francis's advice to "be calmly vigilant against falling into spiritual mediocrity which corrupts us from within."
I promise and hope you will also do what is enough and then more. To attend Mass each week and days of Holy Obligation at minimum. To pray each day both alone and with family, children and my husband. To treat others with dignity and respect. To respond to those in need with time, talent and treasures. To shatter false gods and idols. To obey the law that God has commanded. To do the very best that I can and when I make a mistake to pick myself up, receive the Sacrament of Confession and try again.
Our children will never be lost if we continue to show them the way to Jesus in our words, deeds and actions. I pray, for you and for me, that when our children are grown and their hands no longer hold ours, He will open His hands and they will reach out and hold on tightly.
When it comes to our Faith, what do you do "more" for your children? Share with us on Facebook.
As always, thank you for reading. May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you and may God bless you!
Enough and then more is what will shield our children from the onslaught of the evil one who prowls around the world seeking souls; the souls of our children. The father of lives does not rest and we shouldn't either.
I take and offer Pope Francis's advice to "be calmly vigilant against falling into spiritual mediocrity which corrupts us from within."
I promise and hope you will also do what is enough and then more. To attend Mass each week and days of Holy Obligation at minimum. To pray each day both alone and with family, children and my husband. To treat others with dignity and respect. To respond to those in need with time, talent and treasures. To shatter false gods and idols. To obey the law that God has commanded. To do the very best that I can and when I make a mistake to pick myself up, receive the Sacrament of Confession and try again.
Our children will never be lost if we continue to show them the way to Jesus in our words, deeds and actions. I pray, for you and for me, that when our children are grown and their hands no longer hold ours, He will open His hands and they will reach out and hold on tightly.
When it comes to our Faith, what do you do "more" for your children? Share with us on Facebook.
As always, thank you for reading. May the Blessed Virgin Mary be with you and may God bless you!
One of my favorite memories of when my husband and I were dating is the “good morning” text messages that he would send me on an almost daily basis. These sweet messages were not only a wonderful treat to wake up to, but they also reminded me that he was thinking of me upon waking up.
For the past decade or so, I’ve gotten into the habit of sending God a good morning message each day, often before my feet touch the floor for the first time in the day.
I simply say in my head “Good morning, God. Thank you for another day. I love you.”
That’s it.
This “good morning” reflection to God takes only a few seconds.
When I first started to get into the routine of saying good morning to God, I would name the alarm on my phone with “Good morning, God” as a reminder to do so. It only took about a week until it became routine.
Now, I say the reflection the moment I wake up and usually before my eyes even open.
This short and sweet good morning reflection is especially helpful on mornings where I don’t have time for my regular morning prayer and daily Mass reading. Whether our children haven’t slept well the night before, we’ve slept through the alarm or when we’re running late for whatever reason, I am never too late to send a quick message of thanksgiving and praise to God, which helps me build a positive foundation for the day.
I simply say in my head “Good morning, God. Thank you for another day. I love you.”
That’s it.
This “good morning” reflection to God takes only a few seconds.
When I first started to get into the routine of saying good morning to God, I would name the alarm on my phone with “Good morning, God” as a reminder to do so. It only took about a week until it became routine.
Now, I say the reflection the moment I wake up and usually before my eyes even open.
This short and sweet good morning reflection is especially helpful on mornings where I don’t have time for my regular morning prayer and daily Mass reading. Whether our children haven’t slept well the night before, we’ve slept through the alarm or when we’re running late for whatever reason, I am never too late to send a quick message of thanksgiving and praise to God, which helps me build a positive foundation for the day.
I have found that by just thanking God for another opportunity to be alive for another day helps to put other stressors in my life into perspective. God has gifted me another day and another chance to make a positive difference in my life and the lives of my family members, friends and every person that I encounter.
I hope you will try it out. Spend a few seconds with God in the morning, it can change your life.
Do you have any morning prayer routines? Share with us on our Facebook page:
God bless you!
I hope you will try it out. Spend a few seconds with God in the morning, it can change your life.
Do you have any morning prayer routines? Share with us on our Facebook page:
God bless you!
As I have been reaching the end of the pregnancy with our second child, a sweet baby girl, many have asked or have assumed that I “can’t wait for the delivery day.” It is understandable given the fact that pregnancy is especially difficult in the last few weeks and a women’s body is pushed to the limit: swelling, insomnia, back pain, joint pain, pelvic pain, heartburn, contractions and cramping, to name a few.
However, this 38-week pregnant mama is not ready and certainly not rushing to the delivery room.
I actually love being pregnant. Even through all of the symptoms that I had and currently have. I am enjoying each and every moment of this pregnancy. The good, the difficult and the painful.
I actually love being pregnant. Even through all of the symptoms that I had and currently have. I am enjoying each and every moment of this pregnancy. The good, the difficult and the painful.
Plus, babies don’t keep. It seems as though it was just yesterday that I was pregnant with our son and now he is already three years old. The saying "the days are long, but the years are short" is one I have continued to remind myself and one that can be applied to pregnancy as well. The days are long, but the months are short. Soon we will be holding our sweet girl in our arms.
Being pregnant with a girl has been especially special knowing that I am carrying potential grandchildren. "Every female fetus develops all the eggs she will ever have while that baby is still inside of her own mom." So, we all technically started out our lives inside our maternal grandmother's womb.*
My husband and I are especially enjoying the one-on-one time with our son before his sister is born and our worlds are changed forever. I think there are many other mothers, especially mothers who have more than one child, who feel this way. While we are overjoyed at welcoming our daughter into our family, we will miss this chapter of our lives and look fondly back at the memories we shared just the three of us.
So, for these last days as a family of three (with a blessing in my womb) we are savoring each, precious moment and remembering that the fruits of the Spirit are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness.” (Galatians 5:22)
So, for these last days as a family of three (with a blessing in my womb) we are savoring each, precious moment and remembering that the fruits of the Spirit are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness.” (Galatians 5:22)
There is no need to rush, baby girl. Take your time. Finish developing those lungs and keep practicing your reflexes. We love you so much and pray that your entry into this world is just as amazing as you are.
Please keep us all in your prayers and you can be assured that you will be in ours as well. Please do like and share our Facebook page. Facebook.com/CatholicMomRI God bless you!
Please keep us all in your prayers and you can be assured that you will be in ours as well. Please do like and share our Facebook page. Facebook.com/CatholicMomRI God bless you!
Guess what fellow pregnant or nursing ladies? The Catholic Church states that we are excused from fasting or abstinence for Lent.*
Personally, I try to abstain from eating meat on Fridays all year, even when I am pregnant or nursing. Sometimes I am unable to, but I especially try to abstain from meat during Lent on the penitential days.
While you can certainly abstain from meat if you’d like to and you have discussed and gotten approval from your doctor, you should not fast, at all, period. Pregnancy and nursing are hard enough on a woman’s body and the Catholic Church recognizes that. We should listen to Her.
Just because we are completely, 100% excused from fasting or abstaining from meat does not mean that we can’t have a meaningful Lent. Since I am very pregnant (third trimester), will most likely give birth and nurse our daughter before Lent is over, I am sharing some ideas for myself to make Lent more meaningful:
Do you have any other ideas on how to have a meaningful Lent while pregnant and/or nursing? Share with us on Facebook. Please don’t forget to like and share our Facebook page: Facebook.com/CatholicMomRI
God bless you!
Personally, I try to abstain from eating meat on Fridays all year, even when I am pregnant or nursing. Sometimes I am unable to, but I especially try to abstain from meat during Lent on the penitential days.
While you can certainly abstain from meat if you’d like to and you have discussed and gotten approval from your doctor, you should not fast, at all, period. Pregnancy and nursing are hard enough on a woman’s body and the Catholic Church recognizes that. We should listen to Her.
Just because we are completely, 100% excused from fasting or abstaining from meat does not mean that we can’t have a meaningful Lent. Since I am very pregnant (third trimester), will most likely give birth and nurse our daughter before Lent is over, I am sharing some ideas for myself to make Lent more meaningful:
- Don’t flavor your food. (E.g. Eat the cheeseburger but omit the barbecue sauce.)
- Skip dessert on penitential days and enjoy fruit instead (Much better for health, too!)
- Eat one more vegetable per day (Bonus if it is one you don’t like, mine would be Brussel sprouts.)
- Abstain from social media or at least reduce the time you spend on social media.
- Pray the Rosary each day. (Consider the Running Rosary program to combine it with exercise.)
- Donate your favorite treat food to a local food bank. (Mine would be salt and vinegar chips!)
- Watch less television and/or movies each day. (I'm saying farewell (for now!) to HGTV!)
- Give up drive-through treats/coffee/tea/etc.. for the entire period of Lent and at the end donate that money to local crisis pregnancy center (E.g. Mother of Life Center in Providence, RI)
- Pray for those who are homeless, in crisis pregnancy, those called to religious vocation, etc…
- Read the Gospel each day and practice Lectio Divina, a slow, contemplative praying of Scripture. For more information on Lectino Divina, click here
Do you have any other ideas on how to have a meaningful Lent while pregnant and/or nursing? Share with us on Facebook. Please don’t forget to like and share our Facebook page: Facebook.com/CatholicMomRI
God bless you!
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